Dont repeat yesterday

Apr 6, 2021    Ken Andrews

Don’t Repeat Yesterday
How many times have I heard about people who have attempted to move forward and found
themselves in a new place where nothing went well. But instead of moving forward from that
place of unhappiness, they attempt to move back to where they were happy and prosperous. For
the most part moving back is unfruitful. Now I’m sure you can find someone who returned to
where they came from and it was good, but most of the time it fails.

I recently found this quote, “Stop looking for happiness in the same place you lost it.” When I
read this a few weeks ago, it allowed me to think more about moving on from where I am and
even where my family is.

How many of us try to relive our past? We even actually go over our woulda, coulda, shoulda’s
over and over again. But this changes nothing. Our problem is that we get stuck in a rut, and we
do the same thing over and over hoping for a different result. There are times it is time to move

In my own time before God, I have realized that I just need to let God lead a new way. I know
that this isn’t easy, but I am praying that God will encourage you to find a new way with his
guidance. This very much is how we can move forward from this pandemic.
Good things can come from bad…

Romans 8:28
And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God
and are called according to his purpose for them.

Triple D: When we consider “paralysis by analysis” which means not being able to move
forward on anything because we keep going over and over decisions from the past and even
decisions for the future. Does this happen to you? The first step to move from this cycle is to
pray and ask God for help. If you are in this cycle, take time to pray right now.