Moving Forward

Apr 5, 2021    Ken Andrews

1. Moving Forward
If you are like me you have found yourself feeling stuck or in a state of limbo during the
quarantine? Finally, we are beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but I still am
waiting for the vaccine. While most of us wait and hope to return to normal life, we can still
move forward today.

Every one of us deal with failure, but rather than deal with my own failures, God has been
speaking to us about moving forward and we are actually making plans to relocate. Moving
forward is our plan for this life.

What is God calling you to move forward to do? Continue your health journey? Start your health
journey again? Plant a garden? Write a book? I don’t know what God has spoken to you but for
me the tasks he has called me forward to do are not little things. They are not short races, but
mine are more like marathons. But rather than look at the long haul, I need to get up and move
forward today.

Keep Looking Forward, Not Back
Let’s look at our scripture for today…
Isaiah 43:19

For I am about to do something new.
See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?
I will make a pathway through the wilderness.
I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.

When God speaks to us about moving forward with something, you have permission to think
outside the box. Now we can’t embrace paralysis by analysis, but think about it briefly and move

We need to stop repeating the past over and over. One author wrote, “Stop looking for happiness
in the place you lost it.”

Triple D: Is there something that God has been speaking to you and need to move forward on? Is
so what is it, and how can you begin to step forward by faith?