Times of Isolation
Getting Through the Tough Times:
My personal journey through the pandemic
Devotional #4—Isolated
When the pandemic first started and we were told to shelter in place, it seemed like it was only going to be a few weeks, and then it extended on, and for us in California, it has gone on until just recently.
I was reminded of the 40 days Jesus spent in the wilderness, and then I decided to look at all the times that 40 days was spiritually significant in scripture.
•The flood last 40 days and 40 nights (Genesis 7).
•Moses spent 40 days with God on Mount Sinai (Exodus 24).
•The 12 spies spent 40 days scouting out the Promised Land (Numbers 13).
•For 40 days Goliath mocked the children of Israel and God before David arrived to defeat him (1 Samuel 17).
•As Elijah prepared for ministry, he walked 40 days and fasted all the way to Mt. Horeb (1 Kings 19.
•Jonah gave the people of Nineveh 40 days to repent and they did (Jonah 3).
•Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness praying and fasting and then was tempted (Matthew 4).
•Jesus spent 40 days instructing the disciples for ministry after his resurrection (Acts 1).
Every one of these occasions was significant and it seems that 40 days have some sort of spiritual significance.
Could it be that during this time of isolation that so many of us have experienced that God has a specific purpose in mind? And it may even be that this purpose could be different for each and every one of us. I don’t know specifically, but what I do know is that I am spending time listening to all that God would speak to me.
What I do know is that God once used 40 days to transform the world (the flood).
Twice God used 40 days to transform nations; first at Mount Sinai and again at Nineveh.
On four occasions God used 40 days to prepare people for a new life and ministry; Joshua and Caleb when they spied, Elijah just before he began to mentor Elisha, Jesus before he began his ministry, and the disciples before Jesus ascended to heaven and left them to change the world.
When I think of all these situations from God’s word, I am encouraged to at least be open to hearing God direct me in how He desires to change my world right now. I absolutely believe that God wants to change all of us through this pandemic. Isn’t this worth praying about?
I don’t know about you, but I believe that if I can go up with God spiritually to the mountain top and spend time with him…I will be changed and so will you.
Triple D: I want you to map out some time you can make each day where you can spend time seeking God through prayer, meditation, and in God’s Word. Let him speak to you. You will be transformed and when we are transformed, we are always more healthy in every way.