Mercies are New Every Morning

Jan 7, 2021    Austin Andrews    New Years, Mercy, Reflect, Prepare

Reflect and Prepare

Lamentations 3:22-24
“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. ‘The Lord is my portion,’ says my soul, ‘therefore I will hope in him.’”

Here we are on the very last day of 2020, and if you are like me, you are celebrating one tough year. For me, I would say the toughest year of my life.

But rather than list the troubles and complications of this last year, I am compelled to look forward to 2021. Every new year offers a fresh beginning and an opportunity to step forward surrounded by the goodness of God. Most if not all of the complications of 2020 will carry right over into 2021, but I refuse to make them my focus. I will step forward with my mask on, and in the power of an Almighty God overcome every obstacle one day at a time.

A new year marks a new beginning, and we must remember that God loves to use the seasons of the year to remind us of his desire to continually make us new. From winter to spring we see that which appeared dead burst forth into beautiful arrays of God’s glorious work. And God longs for the same fresh start in our lives as he does for his creation. He longs to make things new as the new year begins.

We have hope in the steadfast love of God. His powerful love can make new all that needs restoration. God’s heart is to free you from that which weighs you down and robs you of the abundant life Jesus came to bring you.

God’s heart is to meet you where you are today. He longs to meet you at your greatest point of weakness and pain and wrap you up in his love. He has new beginnings in store for you. But just as a tree needs fresh sunlight, warmth, and rain to bear fruit again, you need the refreshing rain of God’s grace and the warmth of his steadfast love to be made new. We can’t do it on your own.

Triple D: Run to God with your sin, pain, failures, and frustrations and open your heart to receive his powerful presence. Ask him to show you the path forward. Ask him to reveal his plan for your healing. Rest in his loving arms today and allow his presence to be enough.